PreOrder of 'TranzHumanic: GigaHurtz' (Vol 1 of the TzH Trilogy)
Tranzhumanic is 'District 9' meets 'Equilibrium' meets 'Army Of The Dead'.
Tranzhumanic outlines a Centralian breed of transhuman zombies triggered by frequency weapons that activate their hyper-sexualised OCD and autistic tendencies, which divide them into kill-tribes based on various temperaments and quirky abilities that make them unpredictable and extremely resilient.
Why Presale Order?
As a work in progress, Tranzhumanic: GigaHurtz (Vol 1 of the book trilogy) is being written and will be edited for release late 2024.
By reserving your own copy of this book in advance, not only will you be paying half the published price - saving yourself £5 on the retail cover price of £10 once it's published as an eBook, but your order will be counted as a proactive vote for the completion of this project over and above Manly Scribe's other creative projects featured on this website.
In the spirit of a crowdfund campaign, the more people who pledge their direct financial support of this product using presale orders, the quicker this particular product will be brought to market for public release.
Also, in return for your vote of support, all presale orders will be honoured a month before the product is distributed for general consumption, so initial fulfillment for all of our presale readers will be used to create a valuable feedback loop that could help fine-tune, polish or even influence the direction of the manuscript's plot or premise, meaning that the organic input from presale orders will be treated as valuable feedback from beta readers, which could actually help to shape the evolution of the story as it unfolds.
This means that all presale orders of this book saga direct through our website, will effectively be helping to bring these products to life on several monumental levels!