GodHed™ Technologies
Is it a Phone? A Laptop..?
All Hail the Mighty FzR!
(pronounced 'phaser')

Peaceful Weapon of Mass Disruption
New FzR Concept
Digital Mastery in a Challenging World

Paradigm Changing Digital Device
FzR is the Ultimate Private Media Console & Data Hub with Solar Charge Power Bank, BlockChain dApp Zone, Encrypted Comms, Cold Wallet, Crypto/Fiat Card Reader, Off-Grid P2P FTP and Hi-Res 3D Scan Binoculars
"The Web as I envisaged it, we have not seen it yet.
The future is still so much bigger then the past."
Tim Berners-Lee, Inventor of the World Wide Web
FzR represents a flagship model of trend setting technology, aimed at liberating society through blockchain internet, secure media sharing and encrypted comms
FzR is the hardware catalyst to a pioneering new breed of open source operating system called 'NucleOS' and a commercial dimensional web browser called 'Vortex', both encouraging advanced data curation and deep content management

- Introduction -
Sensational, Liberating Tech Product
A Truly People Powered, Game Changing Digital Device
Brothers, Sisters, Unicorns and Mermaids... I call upon all holy and loving beings of this realm. I'm the Author of the GodHed Saga, a fiction series that I've temporarily censored to avoid upsetting an overzealous 'cancel culture' whose actions could jeopardise the rankings, hosting, payments and success of this FzR project​
As the impact of the 2020 pandemic rapidly deepened, I realised that a real-life version of one of the fictional props I'd concocted for the Godhed Saga, would have drastically helped a conscientious section of society to cope with such disruption to our infrastructure, social streams and collective information, as well as power outages around the world
In 'Rude Awakening' (Book 1 of the GodHed Saga) the Godling tribe use a custom 'kooltek' device to safely exploit the 'inner, outer, over and undernets' - digital subchanz of our future internet that splinter away from our current webframe due to an over-saturation of censorship, webtolls, piracy, psyops, deep-fakes, trolls, hacks, data corruption and perversion​
The Godlings use their secret device to achieve analogue communications and off-grid file sharing to keep their tribe operational during digital lockdowns and power blackouts, using NucleOS encryption that operates without mainstream internet or it's leading service providers. In 'Grave New World' (Book 2 of the GodHed Saga) we discover that the equipment the Godlings created and have been trying to hide, is affectionately called a 'FzR' device

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
- Buckminster Fuller
- Background -
Recent events have highlighted concerning levels of propaganda, censorship and lawlessness, making it seem more important than ever before that those of us who are less than happy about the ways of the world right now, take pro-active survival measures to decentralise certain aspects of our lives and pioneer our own, user-centric technologies that better serve our needs
These FzR devices offer the perfect starting point for tech enthusiasts to build overlapping communities of FzR users and active data groups that could join forces to achieve a shared vision of digital liberation. By creating our own comms and computer devices like the FzR, a global network of 'digital tribes' could minimise their dependance upon big-tech's 'smart' infrastructure and form a more organic, decentralised platform of evolving blockchain environments
Thats why GodHed Technologies are proposing that those who like the look or idea of this FzR, help to crowdfund, build and enjoy this amazing concept as a real-life working device, for the sake of us all and generations to come. The lasting legacy of the pandemic has boosted our moral obligation to help each other minimise the level of chaos, suffering, isolation, loss and trauma that such disruption to our lives can cause on a personal, social and worldwide basis
FzRs are one of the most handsome pieces of hardware a user can hold in their hands

​- Technology Transfer -
Some may think it slightly frivolous to bring fictional props to life, but it should
be noted that Aston Martin are today building semi-functional replicas of James Bond’s fictional DB5 sports car? The £3.3M retail price tag for one of these pimped-up toy vehicles that won't even be road legal or of course fully weaponised, proves how novel yet serious such a transfer of fictional technologies into our reality can be
We are bringing FzRs to life with a view to making them fully functional and capable of providing ALL of the features that the Godlings boasted, to ensure humanity can enjoy the same benefits

- Creator's Story -
"After losing my income and home due to lockdowns in 2020, I had to retrain for an on-line career. Having been involved with 2D graphic design for decades, I intuitively followed my life-long ambition to move into 3D design and film.
By 'crash-learning' Blender 3D modelling software, I've managed to digitise the first of a range of altruistic props, characters and scenes from the Centrealm Universe, namely the infamous, off-grid FzR device that the Godlings stole from Zayner and managed to keep hidden from him through most of GodHed Bk1.
The FzR device represents the first release of many life-enhancing tech concepts which I aim to model into 3D mock-ups, in order to encourage the creation of other IRL tech transfer prototypes - with a view to bringing Centrealm's most worthy ideas to market for fans to enjoy, and for the benefit of humanity."
Manly Scribe
GodHed Saga Author
GodHed TV Show Creator
Creator of Centrealm Universe
Wireless Charging and File Transfer Come As Standard

This picture outlines the FzR's 'Remote Charging' and 'Data Dump' functions, which are only visible to those who sign-up for inner access to this page
To unlock the obscured pictures (by entering the inner area of this FzR campaign), you will need to sign-up as a member, after accepting the terms of our 'non disclosure agreement', which legally forbids you from sharing or divulging in any way, any of the information, images or ideas that you see
*we do not share with or sell to anyone, any information that you provide
As well as cabled options such as fast USB, Thunderbolt 3, ethernet LAN and fibre optics

FzR Head Unit
Meet The Hardware
Not a millimetre of space has been wasted on the FzR's front and rear user interfaces.
Front facing controls operate the main system operations and the rear user interface and media sockets are geared towards photographic, video and 3D scanning functions
1. Hard Lock
Manual security latch ensures buttons are disabled when your FzR is stored, shared, in transit or locked into one of several user modes
2. Camera Controls

Common user controls make it easy to navigate familiar camera based configurations covering photo, video and media gallery
Volume Titles and cover designs copyrighted by GodHed.com
4. Scrolling LED Message Bar

FzRs scrolling LED Status Bars (on front and rear facia) can be programmed to cycle through system reports, local weather, news info, incoming messages, quotes, NLP affirmations, eBook narrations, audio books or any other text - even song lyrics to whichever song is playing
Young children know how good it is to read (or have read to them) a relaxing or thoughtful passage at bedtime. It helps our mind escape the mundane processing of our daily events by triggering the relaxation mode and release mechanisms necessary to fall asleep
How long do you think you could keep your eyes open while reading an endless single line of gently scrolling text? Displayed in any colour at low brightness from a bedside FzR, which counts you down into deep sleep by gradually slowing, dimming and auto-fading the text at a preset pace, encouraging you to drop off in a contented state
This novel kind of delivery method is not only fascinating and cosy to hyper-sensory users, but the scrolling display is designed to focus your attention away from distracting thoughts by 'drip-feeding' your mind with favourable poetry, bedtime stories or other positive affirmations, without the need for any other screen noise or background graphics to strain your vision or overwhelm your senses - not to mention the convenience of being able to lay down without holding a book or turning pages
5. Hi Res 3D Binoculars

This picture outlines the FzR's 'hi res lens clusters' with 3D scan capabilities, which are only visible to those who sign-up for inner access to this page
To unlock the obscured pictures (by entering the inner area of this FzR campaign), you will need to sign-up as a member, after accepting the terms of our 'non disclosure agreement', which legally forbids you from sharing or divulging in any way, any of the information, images or ideas that you see
*we do not share with or sell to anyone, any information that you provide
6. OTG Data Bank
With a total of 8x SD card slots and 8x MicroSD card slots, FzRs data hub mode allows a whole range of memory cards to be joined, clustered, indexed, compressed, copied, backed-up, encrypted, archived, mirrored, synched and managed on the fly

FzRs are the latest incarnation of EPD technologies (emerging, pioneering, disruptive tech). Designed to fully explore, embrace, promote and evolve future tech horizons, by becoming a crucial element in the growth of FOI/FOE, IP ownership, creative accreditation, Web3.0, Dapps, ODDNS, ENS/IPFS, dWeb, DLT, AIFs, token sales, 'fungiblisation', NFT/DeFi monetisation, cumulative pool manifestation, sustainable creativity, edge computing, magnetic linkage, P2P FTP, off-grid meshing, ethical AI, bespoke machine learning, IoT, IoS, MTX, advanced automation, holographic projection, haptic feedback & tech-horizons in mind, as well as a plethora of new blockchain protocols and decentralisation innovations
7. Slot reader: Rom, zRAM, PIN, EPC, hard wallet & fiat/crypto card

8. Removable 3.5" SSD/SATA Hard drive - upto 6TB capacity
FzR Hardware is Positively 4D
(Disruptive, Distinctive, Desirable & Divine)
"Hmm, destined FzRs are... to become a phenomenon that will make us look back and wonder how without them, we ever coped"- Godhed.com CEO, role-playing as Yoda

The mesh-based proximity file-sharing system will allow user groups to build their own 'off-grid' networks by setting up relay nodes that can continue vital operations when telecom or web providers go down. The built-in solar panels should help power FzR devices on their emergency UPS back-up batteries, so that they can still dock, communicate and data-share for short periods whenever mains power goes down. We are also developing a secret off-grid 'powering' technique that will be tested during the prototyping phase and publicised once it's patent protected
FzRs are the perfect catalyst for OEP Innovation
(Organic, Evolving & Progressive)

This picture outlines the FzR's various colour schemed 'hardware themes', which are only visible to those who sign-up for inner access to this page
To unlock the obscured pictures (by entering the inner area of this FzR campaign), you will need to sign-up as a member, after accepting the terms of our 'non disclosure agreement', which legally forbids you from sharing or divulging in any way, any of the information, images or ideas that you see
*we do not share with or sell to anyone, any information that you provide
Love Thy FzR
With 8GB ram (expandable to 32GB), FzRs incorporate impressive CPU/GPU and networking hardware for their size, and offer the flexibility of being configured either as a master controller or slave in a RAID, flash, hybrid or cluster array. It can also be used as a physical VPN 'blockwall', capable of monitoring and protecting the data-flow of other digital devices, from TVs and smartphones, to home CCTV and smart circuits over the IoT
Not only can FzRs be utilised as P2P micro-servers, dApp hosts, dWeb hubs, IPFS resolvers or media consoles for interactive and streaming resources, but during normal operation (depending on workload and usage), unused CPU/GPU and basic built-in ASIC chips** can combine forces to allow the background parallel mining of crypto, smart contract validation, token minting, automation of DLT scripts and wallet staking/masternodes through POS/dPOS, without impacting FzR usability
Better still, by placing your FzR into 'crunch' mode when it's not being used, all auxiliary functions will be turned off (akin to sleep mode), allowing energy consumption to be maintained at the bare minimum necessary to exploit all the FzR circuitry and chip resources necessary to maximise processing of hash-rated data flows, creating an exciting hardware platform for tech hobbyists, blockchain noobs and cybertribes to explore and dabble with DLTs, crypto mining and cyber trading. From VTC via Lyra2REv2 and Grim or Beam through PoW/Mimblewimble, to standard SHA-256 mining of Alt Coins such as Doge, BCN, ETH, HODL, XMR, XVG, VTC, ZEN, ZEC ...amongst other CPU mineable currencies and CryptoNotes. FzR's ASIC chipset alone could feasibly achieve an average output of around 336 MHash for every 0.5 Volt/2.55 Watt of power generated, some of which can be supported by the built-in solar panels which help adopt an 'eco-boost' state that passively tops-up with photovoltaic current, which can even be 'fed' by some indoor lighting
While the novelty of background mining or Crunch Mode is not going to make FzR users rich overnight, a much more serious ROI could be achieved by installing one or more of GodHed Technologies' specialised outboard FPGA/ASIC modules, currently being developed to supplement FzR head units with external bolt-on rigs that can be stacked into full blown mining racks to run as dedicated arrays, providing more substantial solo, merged and pool-based farming operations and other blockchain validation, POS, mining and hosting projects

3. Videographic Settings

Next generation software controls and UI offering advanced photography, video and 3D scan settings
This FzR could be the most poignant piece of tech in decades
Bridging the gap between mobile, tablet and laptop!

Meet Our Bespoke
FzR Software
A quick look at FzR's highly specialised NucleOS & Vortex platforms
Progressive Operating System

Welcome to our brand new deep-dive, custom-scalable operating system called NucleOS

NucleOS offers a refreshingly logical environment to work, rest and play within

This picture outlines the FzR's NucleOS Platform 'desktop landscape', which is only visible to those who sign-up for inner access to this page
To unlock the obscured pictures (by entering the inner area of this FzR campaign), you will need to sign-up as a member, after accepting the terms of our 'non disclosure agreement', which legally forbids you from sharing or divulging in any way, any of the information, images or ideas that you see
*we do not share with or sell to anyone, any information that you provide
NucleOS involves a modern revamp of traditional 'desktop' metaphors

This picture outlines the FzR's NucleOS Platform 'Data Hub' Manager, which is only visible to those who sign-up for inner access to this page
To unlock the obscured pictures (by entering the inner area of this FzR campaign), you will need to sign-up as a member, after accepting the terms of our 'non disclosure agreement', which legally forbids you from sharing or divulging in any way, any of the information, images or ideas that you see
*we do not share with or sell to anyone, any information that you provide
Master manage all your memory cards, USB drives and external volumes in one place

FzRs are so unique they warrant their very own Dimensional Web Browser
Vortex UI is Designed to Encourage Uber Rich Content Handling and Deep Level Media Management

This picture outlines the FzR's Vortex Browser's 'Desktop Area', which is only visible to those who sign-up for inner access to this page
To unlock the obscured pictures (by entering the inner area of this FzR campaign), you will need to sign-up as a member, after accepting the terms of our 'non disclosure agreement', which legally forbids you from sharing or divulging in any way, any of the information, images or ideas that you see
*we do not share with or sell to anyone, any information that you provide
Vortex boasts a catalogue of innovative functions that we've all needed for years

This picture outlines the design of FzR's Vortex 'browser screens', which is only visible to those who sign-up for inner access to this page
To unlock the obscured pictures (by entering the inner area of this FzR campaign), you will need to sign-up as a member, after accepting the terms of our 'non disclosure agreement', which legally forbids you from sharing or divulging in any way, any of the information, images or ideas that you see
*we do not share with or sell to anyone, any information that you provide
All Vortex colour schemes and palettes are editable, from splash screen to browser menus

This picture outlines the FzR's Vortex Browser 'full screen' preview, which is only visible to those who sign-up for inner access to this page
To unlock the obscured pictures (by entering the inner area of this FzR campaign), you will need to sign-up as a member, after accepting the terms of our 'non disclosure agreement', which legally forbids you from sharing or divulging in any way, any of the information, images or ideas that you see
*we do not share with or sell to anyone, any information that you provide
Because the 'NucleOS' Operating System and 'Vortex' Dimensional Browser are protected under global copyright protocol, both GUXUIs have already been developed into functional front-end software prototypes, which can be seen in a promotional video that will be released soon after the launch of our crowdfund campaign on IndieGoGo.
Please message us if you'd like to benefit from hosting this video on your company's news platform or broadcast channel, before it is publicly released
NucleOS and Vortex software is also being developed to run on existing mobile phones, laptops and desktops as standalone applications, for those who want to integrate the benefits of our functional environments into their own smart devices, without having to purchase a FzR Head Unit
FzRs are the ultimate in-home or studio 'host' device for VST, VSTi, Midi and Multi-Media FX plug-ins
Whether you're browsing, playing, working, coding, researching, writing, blogging, filming, chatting, streaming, composing, audio sampling, video editing, 3D modelling, photo retouching, song sequencing, drum machining, guitar racking, sound effecting, track remixing, level EQing, synthesising, DJ mixing, gaming, 3D scanning, CAD drafting, texture painting, email checking, number crunching, animating or working on any digital file from html to pdf, our 'loadable keyboard' system offering custom configured keymap features that automatically link the correct shortcuts and preset hotkeys to specific software suites, will always be a super-useful feature for so many of us

Dimensional Media Browser
Advanced Data Curation
Deep Content Management

GodHed Technologies is crowdfunding this FzR concept in order to raise the funds necessary to build a hardware prototype, including the registration of several unique FzR innovations that can not be disclosed until worldwide patent applications have been registered. This means that the internal workings and some of the fixtures and fittings of the FzR device cannot be revealed until a number of intellectual property and trade secrets have been adequately protected
The £10k funding target (after deducting IndieGoGo platform fees etc)
should fund the three stages of our FzR development project:
1) £7k budget to turn the full FzR concept into a physical 3D model fitted with the necessary electronics, circuitry and ports etc., for configuring and programming into a demonstrable working hardware prototype. This working prototype can then be used to secure major financial backing, which will eventually fund the mass production of FzRs​
2) £2k budget for Attorney fees and filing costs of (currently undisclosed) patent registration applications, in order to secure intellectual property rights regarding a range of proposed and projected FzR innovations
​3) £500 budget for registration and proliferation of our own ICO in order to help raise start-up funds and build a crowd tokenisation community capable of supporting our own utility token portfolio, based on blockchain hosting of discount perks for our supporters. This will help to establish more substantial levels of funding for our longer term goal of mass production
This modest 'launchpad' target is intended to announce our arrival as a tech start-up and put our hardware concept and software product range on the map. The optics and publicity from this fundraising campaign will hopefully generate enough exposure, respect and traction to build the foundations of a loyal community that will have no trouble helping to springboard our plight of thriving as a self-sufficient entity
It will of course cost considerably more to actually develop, produce and distribute FzR devices en-mass, so any and all surplus or cumulative funds raised as part of our fundraising campaigns, will go towards the substantial continual costs of R&D, engineering, circuitry, prototyping, programming, infrastructure, staffing, testing, legal fees, admin, trade work, networking, branding, publicity and promotion, as and when necessary to turn this high-concept tech brand into a lucrative product line that provides a sustainable revenue stream
Contingency Plan
Ideally, we'd prefer to develop the FzR hardware as fast as possible to make it available for the public to use, but if we fail to raise the money to build a working hardware prototype, or microchip supplies are delayed due to shortages in silicon manufacturing, our 'Plan B' would involve redirecting all funds raised towards the back-end coding and licensed release of the NucleOS Operating System and Vortex Dimensional Browser software, for use on existing Linux/Android/iOS smart devices and even Mac/Windows/Linux laptops/desktops

This picture shows a mock-up of our Vortex browser running on a third party phone, which is only visible to those who sign-up for inner access to this page
To unlock the obscured pictures (by entering the inner area of this FzR campaign), you will need to sign-up as a member, after accepting the terms of our 'non disclosure agreement', which legally forbids you from sharing or divulging in any way, any of the information, images or ideas that you see
*we do not share with or sell to anyone, any information that you provide
The 'NucleOS' Operating System and 'Vortex' Dimensional Browser are protected under Global Copyright Convention, so front-end prototypes have already been developed and are now being versioned for third party phones, tablets, laptops and desktops. This fall-back approach could be used to introduce the software to market before the FzR hardware, allowing consumers to explore, indulge and embrace the software-side of our FzR concept, license fee proceeds from which would eventually fund the development of our FzR hardware product range - ultimately achieving the same end goal, just the other way around
FzR is being developed as the keystone to a futuristic range of 'Kooltech' devices designed to encourage a paradigm shift in consumer relationships with technology and each other
FzR Technical Specification

This picture lists the entire Technical Specification of 'Mumma FzR', which is only visible to those who sign-up for inner access to this page
To unlock the obscured pictures (by entering the inner area of this FzR campaign), you will need to sign-up as a member, after accepting the terms of our 'non disclosure agreement', which legally forbids you from sharing or divulging in any way, any of the information, images or ideas that you see
*we do not share with or sell to anyone, any information that you provide
FzR devices are bursting with potential
There is already a growing ecosphere of conceptualised
bolt-ons, plug-ins, custom configs, self-builds, expansion packs, crossplatz, add-boards, EMP cases, RFID bags, self stabilising stands, clamps, cables, upgrades, peripherals and promo merch earmarked to evolve from this revolutionary KoolTek concept. Watch out for some of these items becoming available in the future, either as Perk 'add-ons' to our crowdfund campaign, or stand alone accessories sold directly from this site, additional to the main range of FzR devices
Is FzR the NEW 'man's best friend'?

This picture provides a more in-depth explanation of the FzR's altruistic relationship with Humanity, which is only visible to those who sign-up for inner access to this page
To unlock the obscured pictures (by entering the inner area of this FzR campaign), you will need to sign-up as a member, after accepting the terms of our 'non disclosure agreement', which legally forbids you from sharing or divulging in any way, any of the information, images or ideas that you see
*we do not share with or sell to anyone, any information that you provide
GodHed Technologies believe that a truly favourable HumanTech paradigm will only be achieved by evolving new technologies outside of current thinking or existing infrastructure, in much the same way that Nikola Tesla, the Wright Brothers and other inventors throughout history had to forge alternative paths of thought in order to manifest truly innovative paradigms
The Future For FzR
GodHed.com has many exciting plans for the future of the FzR hardware brand,
the likes of which will be revealed in good time
FzR's software platforms also have a trick or two to claim a fair share of the world's technological melting-pot, including broadcast versions of the Vortex Dimensional Browser that could turn some presentation formats into slick 'seek, browse and swipe' delivery systems that will prove popular amongst serious media consumers who insist on a more holistic approach to data management and a more practical follow-through of their research, resources, consumption and media

"Once the mighty FzR has been rolled out and established its position, our user-base of testers will provide valuable metrics from a myriad of scenarios, helping us to expand our NucleOS and Vortex suites to run on other digital devices, as well as developing hybrid UI shells for third party brands that would benefit immensely from association with our pioneering platforms
We anticipate that Vortex's unique media handling and NucleOS' deep data management will soon inspire a new wave of commercial licensing, as part of what could eventually become a refreshingly revamped industry standard.
It's easy to imagine a future where internet, satellite and cable consumers or fans of live, pre-recorded and on-demand media sources insist on Vortex's fun and fancy 'haptic functionality' for all their browsing, buying and loyalty needs, especially once they realise how practical and exciting the Vortex GUI is for handling daily web tasks, not to mention the intelligent and fascinating staging of all their social, edutainment, crypto assets & monetisation needs."
GodHed CEO, Manly Scribe
If this FzR device has caught your eye, made you smile, got you thinking or left you feeling a twinge of excitement at the prospect of owning your own FzR one day and being able to use it to gracefully smash your way through fast-paced, deep-dive, meaningful data sessions, until your digital existence is organised into a slick, logical world of your own - there could be a cosmic reason for that, which you may well be able to satisfy by investing in our cause and becoming a prestigious 'founding member'
Please consider doing something to help us bring this FzR concept to life, in hopes of allowing you and I and many other truly grateful peeps on earth to satisfy the exact same soul-itch, by making this amazing people powered solution a working reality. Within a year or two we could all be enjoying the use of our very own FzRs, enabling each of us to become creative masters of our own, digital universe!
Other Ways To Help
If you want to take part in this FzR tech revolution, but cannot contribute financially, there are several ways you can still get involved to help us make FzRs a reality:
Help get the word out and make some noise about our FzR campaign. Tell friends, family and work colleagues that this fantastically idealistic concept is destined to become the next best thing on our evolving tech horizon
Use the IndieGoGo share tools to promote our campaign within your existing social networks and on-line circles. If everyone you knew told everyone they knew about how hard we're working to bring FzR devices into our lives, then FzR consciousness would spread amongst the minds of the masses and soon reach optimum acceptance, which would in-turn help to facilitate the birth of these products into our shared reality
Become a member of our official FzR web-group in order to subscribe to our newsletter, to ensure that you're one of the first to find out about the latest FzR project news, direct from our campaign creators.
By sharing our story and socially promoting our crowdfund campaign, you would be helping to bring an important piece of human history to life
Just imagine, in the near future feeling proud to use a sophisticated bit of tech in your hand that you helped to ensure became a reality, because you took part in a movement that insisted upon creating our own reality, more inline with some of the technological advances that many of us have dreamed of exploiting for decades!
Impressed so far... Hate it already.... Or 'Meh', totes unphased?
Surely we've shared enough FzR glamour shots to stimulate your intellect, fire your imagination, tickle your fancy and 'stun' your subconscious with hyper persuasive, non-lethal FzR love-rays?
There are many more exciting things on the horizon for this FzR project
Sign-up to our IndieGoGo crowdfund project to stay well informed, and to our FzR Webgroup to allow us to send you infrequent project updates
Copyright Credits
We love to give credit where credit is due, and look forward to hopefully working
with some of the inspirational products and brands that we have featured,
due to our belief that they have already done a really good job

*Disclosure & Disclaimers - Please note:
The FzR, NucleOS, Vortex, GodHed Technologies and GodHed.com words, brands and logos are the copyrighted (and trademark pending) private intellectual property of GodHed Technology's CEO M Morgan. All and any other third party icons, logos, screenshots, trademarks and resources of existing brands and companies are the property of their respective creators/owners, and only displayed here on a non-profit, educational, fair-use basis to illustrate the feasibility of a real world existence, as well as the potential for collaborations of the future with some of our favourite brands
Third party inclusion in our visualisations or crowdfund pitch is not necessarily due to any endorsement or partnership with GodHed.com. Some of the external icons and screenshots have been used as a genuine artistic form of respectful tribute to the ethos of the company, their cultural diversity, place in society or their contribution to humanity
**Please also note:
The FzR renders, pictures and videos on this webpage are intentionally low-res and do include obscuration plates or 'placeholders' that are intended to cover particular ports, slots, vents or moving parts in order to hide the inner workings, connections or fixtures behind them. Certain button ergonomics have also been left very basic by default, in order to protect unique design features that will contribute to the overall feel, finesse and finish. The onboard ASIC chipset has not yet been included in the tech spec as the sourcing, specification and pricing of such is yet to be determined, so could increase FzR RRP
Every human effort will be made to honour the finer details and 'tech spec' of this concept proposal, BUT due to artistic, industrial, commercial, lawful, intellectual, natural, social & even Godly circumstances, GodHed Technologies proactively reserves the right to alter, replace, remove, subcontract, sell, collaborate or license regarding all and any aspects of the FzR design, concept and campaign. The same applies to all concept iterations, offshoots, peripherals etc of the entire FzR family of hardware products and software platforms (even during or after prototyping, pledge fulfilment, wholesale distribution or commercial roll-out is in process or has occurred)
All tech spec, design, configuration, construction, hardware, screens, lenses, buttons, ports, slots, circuitry, components, wiring, cooling, layout, format, interface, graphics, GUXUI, software, programming, code, workflow, decoration, themes, finish, colours, materials, dimensions, features, functions, style, identity, branding, slogans, taglines, mottos, marketing, policies, promotions, projects, spin-offs, proposals, campaigns and affiliations are subject to partial or complete change without prior notice or further justification, the viability of which may fluctuate in accordance with availability, cost and feasibility of manufacturing, mass production or distribution - particularly within current engineering capabilities and amidst the shadow of certain worldwide changes, restrictions and considerations, such as current shortages of silicon and chip manufacturing. E&OE. All rights reserved 2020 GodHed.com.